Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Saturday, April 10, 2010

If the grass is always greener...

What do you get when you mix self-improvement
with Home and Garden improvement?

You get an original, inspirational, motivational, motto/slogan:
"If the grass is always greener on the other side, maybe
you're not using enough fertilizer in your own garden"
a natural gift-themed product line from UCanSayThatAgain.

Whether you need a nifty slogan or tagline to tout your super
fertile turf builder*, or, a handy reminder that if things aren't
going your way day-to-day, try looking inward and doing a
little soul maintenance before you covet thy neighbor's stuff,
it's a line...a quote...a slogan that really grows on you!

*If you're the marketing or brand manager at Scott's,
Miracle-Gro, TruGreen, Turffalo or Bandini, and you dig
the slogan, feel free to get in touch with us at UCanSay
, and perhaps we can work out
a mutually beneficial promotional product(s) deal thru
our ad specialty division.

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