Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sweet, Juicy, Totally Fruity, Cornucopia custom products and gifts

Welcome to harvest time year round! Our Food For Thought category at UCanSayThatAgain is growing, and now we've gone Totally Fruity. Whether you're into the Fruit Salad style, Cornucopia look, or, you prefer the simplicity and elegance of our solo fruit images on decorative ceramic tiles, the mixing and matching possibilities are delicious. Plus, if you're a fruit seller, Farmer's Market vendor or juice-making retailer you can easily personalize and customize the designs and products to promote your individual business.

Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cornucopia plate Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cornucopia mug Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cornucopia bagFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cornucopia apron

Ceramic Tiles -- Wall O' Fruit

Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Pineapple tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Apple tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cherries tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Lemon tile
Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Pear tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Plum tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Watermelon tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Peach tile
Food For Thought_Totally Fruity_Orange tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Grapes tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_Cantaloupe tileFood For Thought_Totally Fruity_banana tile

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Patriotic Eagle Stripes Timeless Classic Logo

It's a symbol for our times, which ironically was created 30 years ago in a college art class until recently rediscovered in a garage storage box by one of the co-founders and lead designer at UCanSayThatAgain.

Whatever your party or affiliation, there's one thing we can all agree on...this bold, powerful, inspirational iconic design, combined with whatever expression you like, on whatever product or gift you choose, will make you, or the lucky recipient, feel exceptionally proud to be American.