Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Divine Diamond Patterns custom ipad & iphone cases, covers & skins

Classy, elegant and cool, you'll be the talk of the coffee shop or
the classroom when your flash your gear featuring our Divine Diamond Patterns, fabric-look, custom ipad & iphone cases, covers & skins. They also make great airplane trip conversation starters.

Divine Diamond Patterns_Gold Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Rust texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Red Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Blue texture speckcase

iPhone 3G/3GS
Divine Diamond Patterns_Gold Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Rust texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Red Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Blue texture speckcase

Divine Diamond Patterns_Gold Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Rust texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Red Green texture speckcaseDivine Diamond Patterns_Blue texture speckcase

Friday, November 26, 2010

Naturally cool surfaces & textures iphone & ipad cases

Fluted palm fronds. Rock Clusters. Date palm bark. Striated granite. Hula skirt grass. Marvelous marble and more. If connecting with nature is second nature, you'll definitely want to get your hands on these digital photography, macro detail Naturally cool surfaces & textures igear cases, covers and skins, brought to you exclusively by the fresh-thinking folks at UCanSayThatAgain.

iPhone 3G/3GS (4G also avail. with same images)
Naturally Cool Surfaces_Palm Tree Bark speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Fluted Frond speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Palm Tree Hair_Hula Skirt speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Rocks&Shade cluster speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Granite look speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Radiating Palm Frond speckcase Naturally Cool Surfaces_Some bricks and a wall speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Marble look speckcase

iPad cases
Naturally Cool Surfaces_Palm Tree Bark speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Fluted Frond speckcase Naturally Cool Surfaces_Palm Tree Hair_Hula Skirt speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Rocks&Shade cluster speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Granite look speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Radiating Palm Frond speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Some bricks and a wall speckcaseNaturally Cool Surfaces_Marble look speckcase

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baseball Fan-tastic personalized, autograph-style ipad and iphone cases

Plus ornaments, medallions & party favors...Whether you're looking for a winning holiday gift, a sporty christmas tree decoration, a memorable team/player/coach award, or a super fun kids birthday party keepsake, our new red-stitching, photo-real Baseball Fan-tastic gift line is a great catch -- so hi-def. you can almost feel the seams. The ipad and iphone cases -- igear -- make fabulous personalized gifts. The script type face we used is "Handsome" which gives the text a real life, hand-autographed look, and makes your gift recipient the star!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Picturesque Desert Canyon photograph

Sometimes beautiful things can happen when you take
an early morning July hike in the canyons of Palm Springs,
in the shadow of the Jacinto Mountains -- especially when
it's 100 degrees and climbing. And now this vivid, naturally
inspiring photograph can be yours to experience and enjoy
everyday when you treat yourself, or someone special, to a
little gift from our Solid as a Rock collection, like the mousepad below:

Solid as a rock_You totally rock mousepad
Solid as a rock_You totally rock by UCanSayThatAgain

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Basketball Hoop Net Donut Dunkers Delight

If you love dunking donuts (or cookies, muffins, bagels and biscuits)
in the morning...or all day long for that matter, we've got the perfect
treat for you -- a deliciously designed Donut Dunkers mug, the
newest addition to our tasty Basketball Hoop Net collection.
Score one for yourself or gift one to any hoops-loving friend,

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bumper Sticker Bonanza

We've assembled some of our best-selling UCanSayThatAgain humorous, quirky and off-the-wall bumper stickers in one convenient buyer-friendly collage, or wall-o-bumpers. Just click the thumbnail image to visit the product detail page. Enjoy. And revisit often for updates. Remember, you can always customize our bumper stickers, too, changing the background colors or fonts, and adding your own text and graphics.

Andy Whale-Holeâ„¢_Food For Thought_Anti Antipasto bumperstickerIt's Never Too Late To Procrastinate bumperstickerImitation is the sincerest form of plagarism bumpersticker
No Man is an Island...but some are peninsulas bumperstickerCoriolis Force bumperstickerGynotikolobomassophile bumperstickerBubbles The BlowFish_Powered by natural gas bumpersticker
I'm easily suede by cashmere bumperstickerThink Obamatively_world, black on yellow bumperstickerThink Obamatively_world, black, blue, red bumperstickerHonk if your horn is broken! bumpersticker
Go Fish_Deep Love_Honk if you love newlyweds bumperstickerI brake for any dry cleaners who post their prices bumperstickerBadgering Badger_Get off my tail! bumperstickerBasketball Hoop Net_Fan-atical Hoopster bumpersticker
Thanks, Dad...For Winning That Swim Meet bumperstickerHey Congress Leave Me A Loan bumperstickerNo Man is an Island (symbols) bumperstickerMontana Majesty bumpersticker

A few honk-worthy bumper stickers created by our fellow Zazzlers

Palin 2012-2014 1/2 bumperstickerHe who laughs last thinks slowest. Sticker bumperstickerKeeping Honking, I'm Reloading! bumperstickerJesus Saves bumpersticker
Evolution (Love) Bumper Sticker bumperstickerRenewable Energy Bumper Sticker bumperstickeri run like a girl t-shirt bumperstickerWage Peace bumpersticker
L-O-V-E - Heart and Peace Sign bumperstickerVeteran bumpersticker