Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Thursday, October 29, 2009


You've been ignored for too long. Forgotten. Scorned.
Living in the shadows. Nowhere to turn for help.
But now you can take that first step on the road to
acceptance and living a life without shame. Because
we've created a line of ear-nibbling gear just for you.
Remember, it's not a disease, it's a desire.

Just outside of Missoula

It's a Montana state mind...Warning! Prolonged
viewing may cause deep sighs, wistfulness and yearning.

Food For Thought

You do the math. Try a little sampler
from our Anti Antipasto section below: