Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bumper Sticker Bonanza

We've assembled some of our best-selling UCanSayThatAgain humorous, quirky and off-the-wall bumper stickers in one convenient buyer-friendly collage, or wall-o-bumpers. Just click the thumbnail image to visit the product detail page. Enjoy. And revisit often for updates. Remember, you can always customize our bumper stickers, too, changing the background colors or fonts, and adding your own text and graphics.

Andy Whale-Holeâ„¢_Food For Thought_Anti Antipasto bumperstickerIt's Never Too Late To Procrastinate bumperstickerImitation is the sincerest form of plagarism bumpersticker
No Man is an Island...but some are peninsulas bumperstickerCoriolis Force bumperstickerGynotikolobomassophile bumperstickerBubbles The BlowFish_Powered by natural gas bumpersticker
I'm easily suede by cashmere bumperstickerThink Obamatively_world, black on yellow bumperstickerThink Obamatively_world, black, blue, red bumperstickerHonk if your horn is broken! bumpersticker
Go Fish_Deep Love_Honk if you love newlyweds bumperstickerI brake for any dry cleaners who post their prices bumperstickerBadgering Badger_Get off my tail! bumperstickerBasketball Hoop Net_Fan-atical Hoopster bumpersticker
Thanks, Dad...For Winning That Swim Meet bumperstickerHey Congress Leave Me A Loan bumperstickerNo Man is an Island (symbols) bumperstickerMontana Majesty bumpersticker

A few honk-worthy bumper stickers created by our fellow Zazzlers

Palin 2012-2014 1/2 bumperstickerHe who laughs last thinks slowest. Sticker bumperstickerKeeping Honking, I'm Reloading! bumperstickerJesus Saves bumpersticker
Evolution (Love) Bumper Sticker bumperstickerRenewable Energy Bumper Sticker bumperstickeri run like a girl t-shirt bumperstickerWage Peace bumpersticker
L-O-V-E - Heart and Peace Sign bumperstickerVeteran bumpersticker

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mousepad Mania

We've assembled some of our best-selling UCanSayThatAgain text, humor and design-centric mousepads in one convenient buyer-friendly collage, or wall-o-pads. Just click the thumbnail image to visit the product detail page. Enjoy! And revisit often for updates.

If the grass is always greener on the other side mousepadThanks, Dad...For Winning That Swim Meet mousepadBasketball Hoop Net_red,white,blue Team U.S.A. mousepadCoriolis Force mousepad
The Thing About Puddles_ mousepadPROcrastinator_ mousepadIt's Never Too Late To Procrastinate! mousepadBlue Marble mousepad
Dizzy Delights Pattern_Blue mousepad mousepadDizzy Delights Pattern_Green mousepad mousepadDizzy Delights Pattern_Purple mousepad mousepadDizzy Delights Pattern_Red mousepad mousepad
Basketball-texture mousepadFem. Gems_half-baked meal mousepadSpouting Off_Life has no porpoise mousepadSome Gnu Stuff_Cheetahs Never Prosper mousepad

A few engaging, eye-catching and creative mousepad designs created by our fellow Zazzlers

See Worthy_Signal Flags mousepad mousepadVulcan Mona Lisa mousepadOuch Is Not A Safeword mousepadJack-O'-Lantern Face I, Orange mousepad
Stones mousepadsteer skull mouse pad mousepadExplosion mousepadCard Shark mousepad
Oral Sex Is Always A Great Last Minute Gift mousepadThat's Funny mousepad