Don't mind if I do

Welcome to UCanSayThatAgain -- a happy hodgepodge of quixotic quotes, clever concepts, inspirational expressions, motivational mottos, wily wordplay, punctured proverbs, silly slogans, obvious innuendo, wacky wisdom and half-baked humor, all designed for your personal amusement and generous gifting.

Other galleries, same brains: Artful Animalz, FUNauticals & MightyTidyID

Sunday, July 1, 2012

There's no time like a present custom wall clocks...

So why not gift yourself, or someone you love, with a stylish, fashionable and fun new look timekeeper for your home or office from the concept team at UCanSayThatAgain. You're in good hands with our clocks!
Team Spirit_Basketball texture look_Hoops Lovers Round Clocks Baseball Fan-tastic_pitch perfect Round Wall Clock Golf Ball Texture Dimples Arctic Blue Round Clocks
Food For Thought_Totally Fruity Wall Clock Food For Thought_Glazed Jelly Donut_Totally Sweet! Round Wallclocks Home Sweet Home Doily Design (with numbers) Round Wall Clock
Naturally Cool Surfaces_Palm Frond (with numbers) Square Wallclock Never-ending Happy Hours_retro-style Martini glass Wall Clock Bugzeez_Hickory Dickory Roach Wall Clock